Monday 30 September 2013

I Love To Flaunt Mmy Bum Bum — Melody

Gabriel Chidiebere Melody, popularly known as Melodyva, is a multi-talented and vibrant lady in the entertainment industry. Apart from being an artiste, she is also into event management and fashion. In this interview with SEYI SOKOYA, she speaks on her career and her fashion statements. Excerpts:

Growing up

My growing up was fun. I played a lot of pranks. I hailed from Ika-South Local Government Area of Delta State; I am final year student of the University of Benin, studying International Studies and Diplomacy. I am from a family of five children, the third and the last girl.

Distinctive thing I brought into the entertainment industry

I have come with a great difference and uniqueness to carve a niche for myself in the industry. The industry has given me a platform to showcase my talents. I majorly do event management, fashion, music and more.

Foray into music

I have been into music since when I was four years old. I later developed myself with the talent while growing up until I decided that I wanted to make a carrier out of it. To me, it is fun. I do all kinds of genre of music, but I specialise in Soul and R&B.

On event management and fashion

I’m someone that has eyes for good things. Fashion has been part of me too. I started designing outfits at a very tender age, I started from my family and friend, including beads, which nobody taught me. I believe in uniqueness; so for events, it’s something that is part of me. It has been on the inside and it has been great. All these things are encompassing. I don’t have a major or supplement. But music started first. They are all simple and unique and I have not experienced any stress combining them.


I believe in myself. I have watched and learnt so many things. These have made me seen every challenge I come across as a stepping stone. The industry is full of challenges, but there is a way of overcoming them through divine wisdom.

Assessment of the Nigerian entertainment industry

Good things are happening in the industry. The industry is stepping up and still moving forward. It is fast growing and it is an indication of a great development and I am glad to be part of this team.

Definition of style

Style to me, should always be simple and unique. One can always make statement with simple and elegant style or design. I prefer to remain simple and unique.

Beauty regimen

I drink a lot of water; go to the gym every day, eat good food and remain happy all the  time.

Choice of accessories

That has to do with my bangles.

Favourite colour, perfume

I don’t have a particular favourite colour and I will always go for any good perfume with nice smell.

Opinion on toning and cosmetic surgery

It’s always a funny thing when I see people do that or hear some people engage in such things. God has made everything beautiful and humans are inclusive. We are not exceptional. In fact, we are the most paramount. We are created in the image of God; do you know what that means? Many of us lack knowledge. We are beautiful the way we are; if you are dark, you could just use cream or cosmetic that can make your complexion shine more as a dark person and not to make you light. A light person should do likewise. A light person should go for the cream that would maintain your light skin and not to make you lighter. It doesn’t make sense for any reason.

Take on provocative dressing

To me, it is uncalled for. It’s not decent. I would not encourage such.

Fashion item I won’t be caught dead wearing

I am and will always be comfortable in any fashion item,   but I won’t be caught wearing rags, especially provocative outfits and dirty clothes.

Greatest asset

My voice; it is my treasure, and through it, I have a way to return all glory to Him, as well as affect lives with spirited songs. I would say it is a gift from God.

Fashion item I cannot do without

I cannot do without my foot wears. I mean foot wears in general. It could be high heels or any other foot wears.

Message to your fans

They should be persistent. They should also believe in what they believe in. Everything is possible.

Part of the body you would love to flaunt

I would love to flaunt my bum bum, because it is one of my pride.

TO HELL WITH YOU! WE ARE READY TO DIE — New PDP Tells President Jonathan

The National Working Committee (NWC) of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) faction led by Alhaji Abubakar Kawu Baraje has dared President Goodluck Jonathan to go ahead with his alleged plans to crack down on the group, saying that they are ready for the worst.

The party’s National Publicity Secretary, Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze, said in a statement issued yesterday in Abuja that they are ready to die and have already been directed by Alhaji Baraje to write their wills. Eze in the statement also alleged that the crackdown was being planned to affect former President Olusegun Obasanjo and former Vice President Atiku Abubakar. It, however, advised the Jonathan administration to leave Obasanjo alone as he has no hand in the formation and operations of the faction. Said new PDP in the statement:

“Some days ago, we received intelligence reports that the Presidency was putting finishing touches to what it calls “Operation Total Crackdown on G7 and their allies in the New PDP”. When we got details of the plot to arrest and commit the leadership of New PDP to prison without charge we thought it was a joke. The reality, however, dawned on us after we read the interview of our friend and brother, Alhaji Mujahid Asari-Dokubo, in the PREMIUM TIMES of 26th September, 2013, confirming that President Goodluck Jonathan is under pressure to arrest former President Olusegun Obasanjo and former Vice President Atiku Abubakar without any further delay. The sin of these two distinguished Nigerian statesmen, according to those plotting their “demystification”, is their alleged support for the New PDP, including the G7 Governors. That this evil plot s being conceived by the Presidency confirms that the Abacha days are truly here again with us.

“In view of the seriousness of this devilish plot to crack down on us in total disregard of the provisions of the Nigerian Constitution, the National Chairman of the new PDP, Alhaji Abubakar Kawu Baraje, summoned an emergency meeting of the National Working Committee (NWC) of the party to brainstorm on how best to respond to the situation. Our conclusion at the end of the meeting was that we would not be intimidated for any reason, even if it means death, as we are fighting a just cause of reclaiming, recovering and establishing our party based on the vision of its founding fathers as the party is currently usurped by some members who do not know how it was formed. Baraje, knowing how dirty some of the hawks in the Presidency can fight when pushed to the wall, directed NWC members to write their wills immediately after the meeting as we have entered the stage of no retreat and no surrender – fully determined to reclaim what rightly belongs to us.

“The NWC also resolved to urge the G7 Governors that on no account should they be intimidated or frightened by any tactics or strategy employed by State Forces to coerce them to forgo any of the issues they have been asked to present before President Jonathan during the October 7th meeting.

“Though it is sad that instead of employing diplomacy to attend to the issues that brought this conflict to bear the Presidency prefers to use force but we are not disturbed as we are ready for any of its tactics. In this regard, we wish to urge both the Presidency and those detailed to attack us not to waste further time or wait till October 7th to start arresting us as there are thousands of Nigerians ready to step into our shoes and fight this cause to its conclusion.

“We are convinced that at the appropriate time; Asari Dokubo will join us when he is convinced as a Social Crusader the injustice we have been subjected to in PDP all these years so we are not threatened by his outbursts.

“Our stand is the same as that of late President of USA, Theodore Roosevelt, who once stated: “Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else.”

“On a final note, we do not know why General Olusegun Obasanjo is being linked with the new PDP. Let us state unequivocally that this foremost nationalist has not in any way – either directly or by proxy – had anything to do with our existence and operations. Ridiculing and plotting the arrest of such a distinguished personality that fought to keep this nation as one entity and contributed immensely in making PDP the most vibrant, virile, versatile and biggest political party in Africa as a nobody is not the best strategy to use to fight the cause of President Jonathan, who knows what Chief Obasanjo did to make him President in the first place!”

Source: News Forum

OMG! Seven People Beheaded On Maiduguri/Damaturu Road

Seven people were killed in Makintamari village in Kaga Local Government in Borno state along the Damaturu/Maiduguri road.

Eyewitnesses said the travellers were beheaded with their heads placed on their lifeless bodies on the main road.

At the Makintafamari village, in a separate incident, gunmen also cut the throats of four persons on Saturday. They were returning to Maiduguri in the evening.

Borno Police chief Lawal Tanko confirmed the attacks .

Makintamari is a few kilometers from Benishek where over 100 travelers were murdered a week ago by suspected Boko Haram sect members.

Yobe State Governor Ibrahim Gaidam said: “We call on Mr. President and all the security chiefs, to intensify security operations through aerial surveillance, to contain the situation before it consumes the region and country.

“On our way from Maiduguri to Damaturu this afternoon (Sunday), we saw a trailer and bus that were burnt, with the occupants slaughtered and their corpses littering the highway.

“Government should rise up to its responsibilities to save the lives and properties of its citizens,” he pleaded15.

The governor said that anyone travelling on the Damaturu to Maiduguri highway, was taking a huge risk.

He urged the newly established Seven Division of the Nigerian Army, to intensify surveillance of all flash points in the two states, to flush out the insurgents.

Source: News Forum

When My Marriage Crashed – Kate Henshaw

She looks very young like a lady in her early 30s, but actress Kate Henshaw is 42 years old and she is single again after she was married for several years. Below is what she said about her collapsed marriage:

I just decided that, ok, it didn’t work. Next, I had to move on. There is no need holding on to the past – no need holding on to something if it’s not working any more. There is no need flogging a dead horse since it is already lifeless. And when you decide to bury the horse, would you not leave the grave site afterwards? You would go now.

Anything that happens to you now, that sun would still set, another day would come. So, it’s your choice to either be part of the living or be in the grave yard.

And I choose to be alive, enjoy my life and smile at everything that is happening – good or bad. As long as God is with you, things would always be fine with you.

I’m not thinking about anything. At the moment, I’m facing my career. If it comes, fine. If it doesn’t come, that’s okay. It’s not the end of the world because I’m convinced that God loves me. Love has given me more than enough. I have the most gorgeous daughter in the whole world. That’s enough for me.

Stupid Colleague Caused Our Arrest –Suspect

Some robbery suspects engaged in a war of words on Thursday at the Lagos State Police Command headquarters.
The suspects, who were recently arrested by the Special Anti-Robbery Squad, traded blames over who caused their arrest.

PUNCH Metro learnt that the suspects, Fatai Balogun, Wale Oluwatosin and Gbenga Olusanya, were arrested shortly after robbing a family in the Iju, Ishaga area of the state.
Police authorities said after the robbery, the suspects shared the loot and went their separate ways.
Oluwatosin was, however, spotted while hiding his gun at the backyard of his house.

An eyewitness was said to have reported to the police and Oluwatosin was arrested. It was learnt that through his confessional statement, the police apprehended his colleagues.
One of the suspects, Balogun, who claimed to be a barber, said he regretted following Oluwatosin for the robbery.

He said, “He (Oluwatosin) is a very stupid boy. He is just 20-years-old and I see him like a younger brother because we grew up in the same area. Some days ago, he told me that there was a man in the area drove a nice car and he had studied the man’s movements.

“We got guns and when it was midnight, we stormed the house. We stole about N500,000 and I felt this was enough, but Oluwatosin was not satisfied. He stole CDs, laptops, seven mobile phones, video games and other items that we did not need.

“Carrying such things around at night could draw suspicion to us and I told him this but he was too stubborn. As I predicted, he was the one that caused our arrest. He is stupid.”
Another suspect, Olusanya, said he was not an armed robber but a smuggler. He said he knew the gang but had only followed them for one operation.

He said, “I followed them for a robbery some months ago but we did not succeed. On that particular operation, we met policemen on the road and decided to turn back. However, the driver was drunk and we had an accident.

“We had to snatch another car which we used to escape. After the unsuccessful robbery, I went back to my smuggling business because I felt those guys were not serious armed robbers. They were too clumsy.”
Oluwatosin, who is the youngest among the suspects, said he went into robbery so he could impress the suspects.

He said the suspects usually gave him N7, 000 as an informant but he wanted to make more money which made him to lead the operation.

He said, “I knew Balogun was an armed robber and I looked up to him. He used to give me N7,000 as an informant, but I felt I could do more. I did not know I would get caught after my first robbery.”
Deputy Police Public Rleations Officer, Damasus Ozoani, said the suspects would soon be charged to court.


I’d Rather Be Wealthy And Quiet Than Famous And Broke — Banky W

Banky W was romantically associated with Andrea Manuela Giaccaglia some months back, but he has said recently that he is not in any relationship at the moment, the EME boss claims that the entertainment business is too much hype and projects fame than famous, if there is one thing he does not want to be caught with, it is being famous and broke.

Banky W took the 10th position of the Forbes and he is not excited about that, ‘I don’t believe very much in such things. Let’s be honest, the real wealthy people are the businessmen like Dangote and the politicians (some of whomgot there by looting Nigeria). They’re the ones with real money. This entertainment business is too much hype. It is more fame than fortune. So I’m not thrilled to it and I don’t think any of us should buy into it too much. I’d rather be wealthy and quiet than famous and broke’

He does something most people do not known, ‘I’m not sure how many people know this, but I shave my head and shape my beard myself. I’m my own barber. I’ve been doing it for years. It started when I was in University and didn’t have a lot of money, I learnt to maintain it myself so I didn’t need to spend money on it every week. And now I’m good at it so I’m my own barber. I will probably open a barbershop at some point.’

Nollywood Stars Turning Pastors

Although, many have criticised their decisions to embrace Christ, blaming such decisions  principally on  the turn of events in their lives, it is not out of place today to come across celebrities  who have become preachers of the Word.

From Eucheria  Anunobi to Zack Orji, Ndidi Obi, Pat Attah, Ernest Azuzu and many others, it has been a steady influx of fire-brand celebrity  Pastors into the Vineyard of God. But the question on the lips of everyone is whether these celebrities have found true happiness after all, and if they do, how much has the pulpit paid off, in place of dumping their flourishing careers in acting for the work of God. Like the Biblical saying, “When we come to the Word of God and we pray over His Word, when His Word shines on us, we are exposed and emptied of any other thing.”

Ex-President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria,AGN, Zack Orji can be described as “a gentleman without blemish.”  This, no doubt informed his decision to become a worker in the Vineyard of God. Zack Orji ordained a full-time evangelist by Bishop Emma Isong of Christian Central Chapel International (CCCI).
He is said to have dedicated his time to preaching the gospel of good tidings across the nations of the world. The veteran actor has been spotted in such cities as Abuja, Nasarawa and Makurdi where he is engaged in various evangelical activities. But this, however, has not stopped him from storming the celebrity hangout, in Surulere to fraternize with his friends and colleagues in the movie industry.

Eucharia  Anunobi

In fact, Eucheria Anunobi’s conversion was the most talked about conversion to Christ in recent times. The actress who ruled the screen in the early 90s with her role in the film “Glamour Girls” has been trailed with many controversies and scandals, most of which bothered on her relationships and crashed marriage. But after many years of being in the news for the wrong reasons, Eucheria shocked her fans when she announced she had given her life to Christ. Few months after the announcement, UK was ordained at the Fresh Oil Ministry, Egbeda, Lagos, as an evangelist.

Interestingly, with her ordination which was performed by Pastor Psalm Okpe, Eucharia willed the power to preach as a pastor and she’s doing so, without looking back. Those in the know said, she already counsels youths in the church and travels at random to spread the gospel of salvation.

This, however, has not taken away some of the traits that made her fans term her “a bad girl” before her transformation. She is still flashy and daring. Just weeks after the ordination, Eucheria bought a brand new  BMW X5. Severally, she has refuted reports that she has abandoned her acting career for the work of God. Instead, she pointed out that she would be choosier in accepting roles in movies.

Pat Attah

Pat Attah? That play boy actor who broke the hearts of many ‘Nollywood babes’ during his time, and left as soon as the ovation was loud. The once-upon-a-dreadlock-turned clean cut actor, is currently based in Hamburg, Germany where he’s winning souls for Christ. Those in the know said, he does not preach in churches, rather he is now very much a born-again.

Many knew him before he left the shores of the country as one who was close to the ladies and in love with the bottle. Today, reading his posts online, one would acknowledge the fact that Pat is a new creature in Christ. He often uses social network sites including Facebook to deliver his sermon and messages to those who care to read them. But what is not known is how he has been faring over there.

Liz Benson

Elizabeth Benson, popularly known as Liz Benson used to be the toast of many lovers of Nigerian films and TV series. Her journey into stardom began when she appeared on the set of the popular television soap opera, Fortunes, in 1993. Liz Benson played the part of Mrs. Agnes Johnson in the soap, which ran for about two years on the NTA. After that, she acted in various TV series and many movies.

In 1994, her role in Glamour Girls, a very successful home video that focused on prostitution, literally changed her fortunes. The movie shot her into prominence and soon, she became a subject of many scandals and controversies, forcing her to disappear from teh scene, in order to rebrand herself. But as luck would have it, she got married to her  Bishop Great Emeya husband in 2009, at the Rainbow Christian Assembly in Warri, Delta State. She has since been ordained an evangelist in the church. Presently, she runs the church with her husband.

Charles Okafor

Charles Okafor who staged a comeback to Nollywood recently in Uche Jombo’s film, “Misplaced” after disappearing from the radar is also one of the actors that are winning souls for Christ. He used to act alongside Saint Obi, Zack Orji and Richard Mofe Damijo and has made a name for himself before disappearing from the scene.

The UNIPORT trained actor who starred in such films as  Forest of Promises, Ocean Deep, Across the River, Between Love, Boiling Point, and Executive Connection, worked briefly with the Security and Exchange Commission, before resigning to go into full time acting. Recently, he was spotted at a filling station around Isolo area of Lagos, and from the way, he looked, the handsome actor has surely given up the things of this world.

Okey Ogunjiofor

Okechukwu Ogunjiofor is known to be the founder of Nollywood. He produced the film, “Living in Bondage” which gave birth to Nollywood.  With the explosion of this movie in 1992, Nollywood prides itself today as second to the largest movie industry in the world after 20 years of its existence. But this man who started this innovation engages himself more in other aspects of movie production. He hardly features in movies but appears on special arrangement. He has since reconciled himself with his maker. Today, he is not only  a preacher of teh Word, he is also House of God. He is also a motivational speaker and unknown to many, Paullo as he’s fondly called by his fans is an author of many Christian literature.