Sunday 29 September 2013

PRESIDENTIAL MEDIA CHAT: President Jonathan's Responses To Issues

 "Nigerians don't clap for govt when they get things right, they only complain when we make mistakes".     

President Jonathan condemns the killing of students at College of Agriculture, Gujba, Yobe, on Sunday. ”Can poor people buy AK47?” Mr. Jonathan says of the attack

Those interviewing the President are Senami Ohiomokhare (AIT), Gloria Ume-Ezeoke (CHANNELS),Nosa Igiebor (TELL), Shola Oshunkeye (SUN), Shehu Dauda (CAPITAL POST),

Too many eyes are on the petroleum ministry and its leaders, those who want oil blocks, those who want to lift crude and so on.

As president, I don’t know whether he is dead or alive, only the security agencies that can answer that...laughs..,I don’t want to speculate, Jonathan says in response to a question on whether Boko Haram leader, Shekau, is dead


“As a president you cannot gag the judiciary,.. you must allow the judiciary to be independent,”Jonathan says on war corruption. #PresidentialMediaChat


Jonathan says his administration is working with the legislature, judiciary etc to fight corruption. #PresidentialMediaChat


International businessmen say corruption is the third most important challenge they face in Nigeria, lack of light, and infrastructure are 1st & 2nd problems of nigeria. Jonathan #PresidentialMediaChat


We are winning the war on corruption, Jonathan says on the fight against corruption. He says fertilizer scam and the corruption in the oil sector is being tackled…


On corruption, Jonathan says perception of corruption is different from reality. “Everyone talks as if corruption is our number one problem. But corruption is not Nigeria’s biggest problem. The key thing is access to finance, infrastructure …


“People don’t compare notes,” Jonathan, says some countries spend a lot more on governance than Nigeria, Nigeria is not only country that spends excessively on governance#PresidentialMediaChat


The problem with government is not the number of special assistants and senior special assistants we have. ”If you are a minister, you need people that are competent to help you,” Jonathan on high cost of governance. #PresidentialMediaChat


People complain about political appointees as if that’s the problem. If you want to run government as you run a modern business, you will even have more problems, Jonathan says in response to a question on the size and cost of governance


Reform in power sector is not just about generating electricity, Jonathan says #PresidentialMediaChat


The PDP administration in 14 years has done reasonably well despite challenges, Jonathan says


Jonathan says there were definitely Boko Haram elements in the unfinished building where no fewer than 7 squatters were killed.


“I’m not God and can’t say terrorism will never happen, every country in world all
Pray it doesn't happen, because nobody can stop terrorism, But I promise Nigerians that within the limit of human competences, I will make sure we do not get to that situation,” in response to a question on the recent Kenya mall attack


“You can do without a minister of defence. But there can’t be vacuum as far as service chiefs are concerned.”


“The dropping of ministers has nothing to do with G7 governors. A cabinet is like a football team, you keep strengthening your team.”


“They should show you the agreement. I only talked about single term arrangement because I was proposing 7 year tenure and thought it could materialise, not that Jonathan will serve for a single term of 4 years”


“I didn’t sign any agreement to serve for a single term. If I had signed any agreement, they would have shown you.”


Jonathan evasive on whether he will run in 2015 or not. “If you declare too early, you will destabilise government, the electoral law gives a timeframe within which you can declare.”


“Stealing of crude oil didn’t start today,” Jonathan says while explaining increase in crude oil theft. #PresidentialMediaChat

“A lot of arrests have been made… people are being prosecuted,” Jonathan says on crude oil theft #PresidentialMediaChat


Boko Haram worsened because it was not “properly handled at the beginning,” Jonathan. #PresidentialMediaChat


People talk about Boko Haram as if Jonathan is the cause of Boko Haram. Yet it has been there and it was even in 2009 that Yusuf (Boko Haram Leader) was killed, Boko haram predates 2009 and it's not new. 


“To say Nigeria is broke, there must be some parameters. To make that kind of statement is very unfortunate. We must be careful the statements we make. It doesn’t matter whether you like the face of the president or not.”


“Anyone who is saying Nigeria is broke is either playing politics or talking out of ignorance.”


The President says he does not control the resources of the states and wondered why lecturers in state universities are on strike over a matter that has to do with the centre.


ASUU should consider the sincerity in government and realise his government is not ready to close down other departments of government in other to solve the problems overnight.

Jonathan alleges that some of the government officials that negotiated 2009 agreement with ASUU were not competent and asks for a holistic resolution of the problem in the universities.


The president says there are certain things in the 2009 agreement with ASUU that are difficult to implement. “This particular issue is beyond the 2009 agreement.”


Jonathan alleges that politics has crept into ASUU’s strike and demands.


We can’t change the problems in the university overnight. We are using funds from other agencies to intervene in the problems in the tertiary institutions. Government is taking inventories in the universities, photographs and video clips. He says his administration is first to do that


ASUU strike is very unfortunate, Jonathan says of the ongoing strike. He says his administration has set up a technical committee to audit the situation in the universities


“Most part of this country is safe now for any celebration,” even in Maiduguri… President Jonathan says”

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