Friday 18 October 2013

This Nonsense Must Stop, There Is Only One PDP – Tukur Warns Splinter Group

The People's Democratic Party (PDP) has stated that it received the judgement of the Federal High Court upholding the leadership of its party under the National Chairmanship of Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, with great joy.

A statement issued in Abuja on Friday by its spokesman, Olisa Metuh, said the ruling of the court in this regard is absolutely clear, direct and unambiguous.

“The PDP has only one duly elected National Executive Committee under the National Chairmanship of Alhaji Bamanga Tukur,” he said.

“We wish therefore to state with all emphasis that any group of persons parading themselves as leaders of this organ of our party are impostors and must be treated as criminals by all and sundry.”

Metuh said that henceforth, the leadership of the PDP will no longer tolerate or condone any meeting, utterances, press statements and/or activities whatsoever under the name, flag and colour of the PDP by any unauthorised person or group(s) under any guise.

“As a law abiding party, the PDP remained calm in the face of the unwarranted attacks of the last few months. Our leaders chose the path of caution and decorum, but our reconciliatory moves and offer of olive branch were treated with the highest disdain and viewed as signs of weakness.

“The National Working Committee has therefore directed that the name, colour, flag and the provisions of constitution of our party must be held sacrosanct by our members. The PDP has adequate internal mechanism for resolution of disagreements and members are advised to express their grievances through such.

“We thank all members who kept faith and remained loyal to the constitution of the party through this trying time. Our party remains one big family and the pre-eminent party, commanding true and genuine followership among Nigerians across the country.

“The challenges of the last few months instead of detracting us have indeed better positioned our party to continue to win elections at all levels in our country,” concluded the statement.

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