Thursday 12 September 2013


The Dy/Dx of a clueless system is when you run an extravagant government that perpetually exacerbates, rather than ameliorate, if not annihilate the masses sufferings. I won't be taken aback if tomorrow if somebody tells me to pay for Voter's Card before I can vote for a candidate of my choice. After all, I now buy Number Plate for #35,000, Driver's Licence for #10,000; PHCN Fixed Charge per month for#700 and newly introduced police vehicle bio-metric at #3,500

Yet, our government go on frivolous spending spree, even for somethin' as useless as phone. Somebody tell me what value (s) will the purchase of 53 GOLD iPhones at a whopping #662million by Jonathan's government to mark 53rd Independence Day celebration have (has) on YOU and MINE life when millions don't know how to eat even one square meal per day

You may tag me a rabble rouser, and describe my position as tommyrot or at most, a gibberish tirade often aimed at bringing down a "performing" government. I know one day, posterity will judge us and I can conveniently and intrepidly vociferate that I lend a voice when my fatherland-Nigeria was "ruled" by a doctorate degree holder WHO could not impact on people's lives

Czar Wisdom Omogbolahan Kokumo Babs-CFR

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