Sunday 13 October 2013

BAPTIST CHURCH PROTEST: Encouraging ‘Sikiratu’ And ‘Sarah’ Sit On The Same Bench Is The Sin Aregbesola Committed

I am a Christian, and I sympathise with my Brethren from the Baptist Convention in Iwo. But I also sympathise with Rauf Aregbesola, the Governor of Osun state. You may all wish to know the money voted for Education by the government of the State of Osun is a common wealth, and the Baptist schools are equal beneficiaries, and by law and intents, the schools are owned by the citizens of osun state, whether they are Isabatudeen or Christ Apostolic primary or secondary school, the Public owns them, the Government runs and fund them. A point has come when the people’s representative has to do the needful. Let us teach the children what we have failed to learn as adults, let Sikiratu and Sarah sit on the same bench, borrow eraser from each other! Share guguru and epa together and visit themselves at home after school hours, let them learn religious tolerance from their youth, if they do, Al Qaeda and Boko Haram will not be able to radicalize them in the future and the Global Society will be better for it. I am a Christian, I love my Baptist Brothers and Sisters, but the World has moved on! Let us move with Change, let us drop Primordial Sentiments

Adesiyan Olufunmibi, Medical Doctor

In Osun, we have the foremost association of Christian ADULTS accusing the Aregbesola administration of, amongst other things, attempting to “mix” the Muslim students with their Christian counterparts in a reclassification policy. On the other hand we have the CHILDREN who naturally levitate towards one another in an atmosphere of conviviality, sharing scholastic and extra-curricular experience within state-of-the-art facilities. For the ADULTS, what seems important is nostalgia of a pioneering era of mission ownership of schools and a declining management capacity. For the CHILDREN, it is a FUTURE of bright opportunities and a completely novel learning experience never before put in place by any Government.The ADULTS are grumbling. The CHILDREN are jubilating

Femi Ifaturoti

Is Aregbesola christanizing Osun when he Issued out N35million for the Burial of Prophet Obadare Religion shouldn’t be our problem in SW, I urge CAN and Nigerians at large to fear what ever we worship and stop using religion and Ethnicity to score cheap political point for the party of our choice. Aregbesola introduced Opon Imo and he was trying to introduce Ifa as subject of study, Is he paganising Osun?, why the sudden outcry by CAN to cripple Aregbe good plan for Osun? If the N35million issued out to prophet Obadare was given to Muslims, I can’t imagine what CAN will say. Did the muslim complain about it?? If CAN really want salvation for the world and believe Christianity is the right way, why the phobia of mixing children of different religious background Am even thinking that CAN will use the opportunity for evangelism… Is CAN really for God or PDP jet?? OSUN TI DARA EMA BA OSUN JE FUN WA O… YORUBA RONU O…

Olamagnifico via Nairaland

Governor Rauf Aregbesola’s new policy on education in Osun State and the protest by some Christians should attract the attention of every stakeholder in the state. To me, the government’s decision, although seemingly painful now, will be beneficial to the people in no distance. In the light of this, I wish to implore the government to relentlessly continue to sensitize the people, while our Christian brothers should also help government to deliver quality services and public good in general.

Dr. Dhikrullah Yagboyaju, Department of Political Science, University of Ibadan
Do you have something to say or share about this topic? Then send your Opinion to the Governor, visit our website – and email the Ogbeni via ‘Meet The Ogbeni’

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