Wednesday 25 June 2014

"I'd Rather Date A Rich Cheater To A Broke Faithful Man” – Actress Mimi Orjiekwe Reveals

Nollywood actress, Mimi Orjiekwe, has shown that she is one of the many Nigerian ladies who worship money and prefers dating a rich man who cheats on her to a poor broke man who is faithful.

According to the up and coming actress, a Business Administration graduate of Caritas University, who has featured in flicks like Royal Madness, posted on her tweeter account that dating a poor man is not an option for her as such a faithful man may later become a cheat.

According to Mimi who is also a model, scriptwriter, actress, TV presenter and beauty queen, the rich man who cheats on his woman will always make it up to her with his money and she will come out smelling like roses.

Now we ask you ladies out there: which do you prefer, a rich guy that cheats on you or a poor, broke guy who is faithful? 

Via Gist Planet

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