Tuesday 2 December 2014

Gani Adams Is An Inestimable Cultural Asset To Nigeria – Envoy To Sweden, Amobi

National Coordinator of the Oodua People’s Congress, OPC, Otunba Gani Adams has been described as an inestimable cultural asset to Nigeria.

The Nigeria Ambassador to Sweden, Benedict Onochie – Amobi stated this yesterday at the launching of Oodua Progressive Union (OPU) held at Crotia katarina Zrinski Idrott-Kultur forening, Kortedala, Gothen.

 Represented by Mrs Jane Ndem, the envoy said: “Without any point of equivocation and bias, Otunba Gani Adams is the only Nigerian who has strongly stoked the embers of Nigeria’s cultural revival on the international scene and in most particular within the Nigeria in Diaspora

“The Embassy is not only proud of the vision and activities of Otunba Adams in the area of cultural rejuvenation and resuscitation but happy that a Nigeria is going all over Europe showcasing the cultural heritage of the Yoruba race .

“This singular move of Otunba Gani Adams at showcasing the cultural heritage of the Yoruba race in Europe is setting in motion cultural revivalism among others Nigerian ethnic groups in diaspora .

“We are happy about this development which is calling the attention of our people to the elasticity of culture, norms, values and traditional orientation,” adding that “this is a new dimension to cultural nationalism and patriotism “It is commendable”.

Speaking at the event witnessed by a first class traditional ruler, the Zaki of Arigidi, Oba Yisa Olanipekun, Otunba Gani Adams said that he was propelled to rise up and defend the cultural integrity of the Yoruba race because “of an innate desire to rescue a pristine heritage from being rummaged and consigned into the dust bin of forgetfulness particularly on the international levels among the African in diaspora” .

Represented by Captain Abiodun Adesina, he said: “if Africans in Africa fail to address the deliberate cultural imperialism being launched in a systematic destructive process by the western world in the name of vogue and modernism, the continent will wake up one day to find out that its culture and values have been obliterated from the socio- cultural map of the world.

“On my own, I have decided to defend the cultural integrity and heritage of the Yoruba race without entertaining any fear or favor.

“The task of revamping, resuscitation and rejuvenation of the cultural identity, norms and moral traditional values which distinguish the Yoruba race from the others is a must accomplish mission.”

The OPC coordinator further urged Nigerians to see the intrinsic necessity in teaching the young ones culture and tradition of the country.

Daily Post

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