Tuesday 2 December 2014

I Would Have Defeated Obasanjo In 2003 – Atiku

All Progressives Congress presidential aspirant and former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar has said he remains the most experienced candidate to lead Nigeria out of its present predicaments.

 Referring to the 2003 elections, Atiku boasted that he would have defeated former President, Olusegun Obasanjo if he had contested against his principal, describing President Goodluck Jonathan as an inexperienced leader under whose leadership Nigeria was going through the worst of times.

He said he remains the only one with the best democratic credentials to lead Nigeria to the next level.

Abubarkar disclosed this Tuesday in Jos while addressing presidential delegates for Plateau State at his Rayfield House. He assured the delegates that he was not desperate for power as he was ready to support any candidate that emerges as the party’s presidential flag bearer.

He said: “All these people contesting the presidency are inexperienced compared to my own experience and qualities in democracy, having been the Vice President of Nigeria for good eight years and nobody has broken this record today.

“Nobody fought the military in this country for democracy like me. My mentor, the late Shehu Yar’Adua, lost his life in the course of this struggle. For that reason, I’m the most experienced politician among those contesting the Presidency.”

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