Tuesday 2 December 2014

NEF 2 Jonathan: The North Is Angry

The Northern Elders Forum, NEF has called the attention of President Goodluck Jonathan to the new level of anger and frustration in the country, especially in the North over the inability of his administration to protect them from the rampaging Boko Haram insurgents.

The Forum stated this in a statement signed by Dr. Hakeem Baba Ahmed and made available to the media in Kaduna yesterday.

According to the statement: “President Goodluck Jonathan is been surrounded by security chiefs who are not doing their job because if they are doing their job it should have advised him that law abiding northerners are on the verge of disregarding all appeal for restrain and respect for law and order in the face of the appearance of total absence of any evidence that government is concerned over their security.

“The Forum calls on all Nigerians to exert all lawful pressure on President Goodluck Jonathan to stop the carnage against Nigerians in the North.”
The statement added that “the Kano mosque massacre and the invasion of Damaturu stand out as one episode that has high lightened the degree to which citizens in Northern Nigeria lives at the mercy of terror.

“More shocking than the Massacre and the continuous occupation of the Nigerian territory is the silence of leaders from the North particularly former head of states and those who hold political position today.

“By their silence, people of the North are beginning to treat them as complicity in the apparent conspiracy to break the spirit, economy and political capacity of the people of the north.

“No other explanation makes sense for the indifference and collaboration of most Northern leaders and political office holders, other than the one that also suggest that they have also abandoned their own people.”

“The Forum calls on all Northerners and Nigeria to remain calm and take all lawful measures to improve their security,” the statement concluded.

Daily Post

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