Thursday 4 December 2014


Recently, I told some friends, when asked of my opinion about the difference between the People's Democratic Party, PDP and All Progressives Congress, APC that for me, the obvious difference between the two is analogous to that of six and and half a dozen. There's, to me, only a thin line between the evils-one lesser, the other suffocating. Events in recent times have continued to prove that Nigerian politicians, a larger percentage of them are insensitive and indifference to the plight of the ordinary Nigerians. Just when you are almost concluding this particular group is the "messiah", you just cannot but agree you have been bamboozled yet again. Our brains have now become chess board where these political rapscallions play their dirty game. 

When in April this year, Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory woke up to experience the most tenebrific and morose carnage ever, resulting from the attack by the Boko Haram vampires, with over 230 Nigerians losing their lives in such excruciating manner, and barely 24 hours afterwards the president went to far away Kano state to dance "kukere" at a People's Democratic Party, PDP rally tagged "Unity Rally", I was part of those Nigerians that wrote against such action from Mr President describing it as obdurate, inhumane and the apogee of insensitivity. Seven (7) months down the line, a similar orgy reared its ugly head in the ancient city of Kano, and what a sitting governor in the person of Governor Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso could do was to junket to Lekki, Ajah, Lagos state to felicitate at a wedding ceremony. 

Regardless of any defence anybody might want to put up, jetting to Lagos after that holocaust experienced in a city you oversee is totally out of it. It is however not impossible that the governor might have been outside the state when the bloodbath took place, it is only morally perpendicular of him to call off any engagement or at most send representative. People may also argue that the wedding Kwankwaso attended was not his daughter's or son's, hence he could not postpone it and that like other invitees, he was only invited. One may even be tempted also to say, in defence of such nonchalant attitude that the wedding did not warrant him to dance like President Jonathan did barely 24 hours after the Nyanya/Abuja bomb blast, when he went to far Kano to receive former state's helmsman Ibrahim Shekarau into the People's Democratic Party's fold, it still does not negate the fact that such action was pachydermatous and uncharitable!

I should state categorically here that weddings are "ówàmbès" or jamborees which have to its accompany paparazzi merry making, fete and celebration galore. For any responsible and responsive public official to engage in such disdainful act barely 24 hours after he lost over 200 of those he superintends over is simply reproachable and censurable! The alternative Nigeria and Nigerians earnestly yearn for is a government that is highly responsive, altruistic and concerned about the lives of ordinary Nigerians. But sadly, by the dawn of the day, a chunk of our political hoodwinkers have continued to tell and show us that even the All Progressives Congress, APC stalwarts are mostly old wines in new bottles (except for a very infinitesimal number among them) which we simply call "packaging".

Czar Wysdom, CFR, VoM, GGFR......Àsę ñ t'Èdùmàrè 

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