Tuesday 27 May 2014

State Of The Nation: Jonathan Should Quit Honourably In 2015 – Sam Nda Isaiah

A presidential aspirant of the All Progressives Congress APC, Sam Nda-Isaiah, has advised President Goodluck Jonathan to quietly leave office in 2015, saying he lacks the required capacity to rule a complex country like Nigeria.

Nda-Isaiah said the country was facing different challenges ranging from insecurity, kidnapping and armed robbery under the Jonathan-led administration because of weak leadership.

The Publisher of Leadership Newspaper spoke at the weekend shortly after meeting with the APC stakeholders in Akure, the Ondo state capital.

He was in the state to intimate leading officials of his intention to become the party’s presidential flagbearer in the 2015 general election.

The APC chieftain noted that the problem of insecurity had not disrupted the country’s democracy because many still had faith in the system, adding that most people in the country were eager to see the present government out of power.

The aspirant further posited that what many Nigerians want is good governance that would be able to guarantee safety of their lives and property.

“The first assignment of any good government is to protect lives and property of its citizens and doing that doesn’t require budget,” he said.

“Nigerians want good governance and can’t wait till year 2019 to exercise that changes they want.”

He promised that the APC government would effectively tackle the problem of insecurity in the country, especially the Boko Haram insurgency.

Nda-Isaiah, who expressed optimism that his party would win the 2015 general election, called on all supporters across the nation to remain steadfast in their collective resolve to rescue Nigeria from the shackles of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.

Daily Post

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