Monday 30 December 2013


I remember during the build-up to the 2011 elections, there were plethora of groups, think-tanks all yearning to share from the very gargantuan largesse doled out by HE, president Jonathan to garner support for his electoral success. Some of these groups came under different incognitos. For instance, there were Goodluck Support Group (GSG), Nigeria For Goodluck (NFG), Youth For Goodluck (YFG), The Transformation Group (TTG), Centre For National Integration (CNI-to which I belonged), Neighbour2Neighbour (N2N) among several others. The presidency endorsed N2N and asked every other mushroom groups to diffuse into it and the rest is today history, even though some are re-grouping again!

I liken the above scenario to the recent happenings in our polity, especially in the last one month. I have often described this outgoing month to friends as month of 'Epistles'. The month 's been full of intrigues as 'Pàpá' and 'Pikin' engaged in vituperations. Political Pàpá and political Pikin on one side and biological pàpá and biological pikin on the other. Now, everyone has turned themselves into self-made activist throwing salvos at the arrow-head, Ex-president Olúségun Àrèmú Obásanjó for daring to open up a can of cankerworm on an administration he personally and single-handedly brought into place. We now seem to leave substance in pursuance of shadow. The economy of the country is in total shambles, comatose and on a precipice.

I wonder why we blind our eyes to the realities on ground, and instead see every statement, every write-up as an attack on a man from the minority. And because he is from the minority, we should allow him run the economy aground. The almighty Prime Minister continues to hoodwink us on the state of economy, while the people right inside government house continue to viva voce that all is not well with our economy. You begin to ask question as to why these looters called politicians derive pleasure in exposing the hapless masses to inextricable hardship. I recently eavesdropped that by January 2014, government will impose 70% increment on import duties! Haba! This notwithstanding the proposed removal of subsidy on the common man kerosene.

By this, a N100 worth of item will now go for N170! Haba! I remember the Greek gift of president Goodluck Jonathan on the very first day of 2012, fuel subsidy and we all now can see its concomitant effect. What have they done with the proceeds from the removal? Overtly nothing tangible to show for it except sleaze! Sleaze!! Sleaze!!! So, when you clear your goods with high tariff, you take it farther away from the reach of the common man and you force people to seek fleece in other near-by countries thereby developing their economies. Is it not time this government took pity on the ordinary Nigerians? Why is Goodluck administration adding salt to the injuries of Nigerians. You look around and see nothing but poverty! I did a survey during the yuletide while in the West on why there were low patronage on purchase of Christmas chickens and fouls and I was made to understand there was no money in the land. Where lies the hope of the common man?

Czar Wisdom Omógbóláhàn Kòkúmó Bas, Cfr, VoM...Àsę ñ t'Èdùmàrè

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