Thursday 26 December 2013

“It Will Be A Disappointment If We Don't Finish In The Top Four” – Gerrard

Skipper of Liverpool, Steven Gerrard, has stated that it would be a disappointing season, if the club failed to finish in the top four.

The Reds are currently top of the Premier League table on goals difference, after defeating Cardiff City 3-1. Striker Luis Suarez has led Liverpool’s charge this season, scoring 19 times in the league.

Gerrard, who was speaking ahead of the Boxing Day clash with Manchester City at the Etihad, says it is important for the club to keep up the good form.

“I think if we were to finish outside the top four I think it would be a disappointing season,” Gerrard told Sky Sports.

“With the talent we’ve got in the squad and the way we’ve started, we’ve set ourselves up with a magnificent chance of finishing in the top four so if we were to let that slip and finish outside everyone would be disappointed.

“The key to us is to finish inside the top four, it helps the club financially to bring players in and to end that long spell without it.

“I think we’re title contenders if we’re in the title race with 10 games to go – I don’t get carried away or change targets or raise expectations around the city just because we’ve started the season very strong.

“To be in the title race you’ve got to be there with 10 games to go with a realistic challenge of winning it. I do have confidence and belief in my team-mates that we’re capable of surprising a few people this season.”

And Gerrard confirmed he has not changed his plan to see out his career as a one-club man.

“If something happens where I fall out of contention or someone else comes along and takes my place and I stop enjoying it, if I still feel I could offer someone else something of course I’d consider it, but for the time being I can't see myself seeing it out here,” he added.

Daily Sport

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